Monday, April 30, 2012

Supermoon this weekend!

This Saturday, May 5th, the largest full moon of the year will be visible!  May's full moon happens at the same time as the moon's perigee (when the moon is closest to earth). The moon will come within 221,802 miles from our planet, making for the biggest and brightest moon this year, nicknamed a SUPERMOON! To view this phenomenon look for it just as it rises (Approx:6:30am) or as it sets (Approx:8:00pm) when it is close to the horizon. If viewed behind buildings or trees it can be an optical illusion making the moon seem larger than it really is!

Did you know that the
moon's orbit is not 
a perfect circle
around the earth?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Over a dozen torandos touched down across the DFW area yesterday with major damage in Arlington, Lancaster and Forney Texas.

The United States plays host to around one thousand tornados each year making us the world's leader in tornado activity.  In fact three out of four tornados in the world occur in the U.S.  Nebraska, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas make up tornado alley.  These states are likely to see tornados  in the spring and summer seasons.  Thunderstorms that are likely to spawn tornados are called super cells.

DID YOU KNOW?  A Tornado in Oklahoma once destroyed a whole motel. A few days later people found the motel’s sign in Arkansas!

Information courtesy of

Monday, April 2, 2012

Discovery Channel's Frozen Planet Sunday nights at 7:00pm.

    An icefall occurs in the arctic ocean at the beginning of the winter season.  Small starfish scatter as the ice tries to consume their lives. All pure water freezes at 32 degrees farenheight and 0 degrees celcius, but we know that oceans contain salt which makes the freezing point of ocean water.....
a.  the same freezing point as pure water
b.  higher than the freezing point of pure water
c.  lower than freezing point of pure water
d.  the same as the freezing point of pure water only in the summer months 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Which planet in our solar system has the most violent storms, often having hurricanes ten times stronger than the ones Earth produces?  Its surface is made up of water and is almost four times the size of earth!